The next meeting for Photographers East will be held the second Monday this month, on March 10th, starting at 7PM in the Community Room of Bridgehampton National Bank in Bridgehampton, Snake Hollow Rd in Bridgehampton.
Alan Weinschel will conduct an interactive workshop on converting to black and white. Many images gain power when converted to black and white.
Sometimes the image is somewhat monochromatic to start with.
Other images have powerful shapes that are better rendered in black and white, and sometimes black and white is important in conveying a somber mood.
Alan would like to make this meeting interactive. Please feel free to bring some of your images on a USB drive and Alan will work through the different kinds of black and white conversions that are possible.
Alan has used SilverEfex 2 and he will demonstrate some of the possible conversions. SilverEfex is not the only tool, of course. Adobe Camera Raw con convert to black and white as well, so if you have raw images those are welcome too!